A More Youthful Face
As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and starts to wrinkle and sag. While we can’t avoid the aging process, we can most certainly reduce wrinkles and sagging facial skin. How? With the help of a facelift.
A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess facial skin and stretches out the remaining skin to make it smooth and wrinkle-free. The underlying facial muscles are also tightened and lifted to contour the face. This process gives patients a more youthful face.
Do I Need a Facelift?
A facelift is a good option for adults who are in good overall health. Good candidates for a facelift include:
• People whose skin is still relatively elastic and supple
• People with good facial bone structure
• People who have loose skin around their face and neck
What Does a Facelift Involve?
The facelift surgery will be performed under general anesthesia. This will allow you to sleep for the duration of the procedure, and you will not feel any pain or discomfort.
During the procedure, an incision will be made along the hairline, in front of the ears and around them, and then down to meet the hairline. Another small incision may be made below the chin in order to address aesthetic issues on the neck like sagging skin and loose muscle tissue.
After the incisions are made, the underlying muscles are lifted and tightened to improve the shape of the face. The skin is tightened, excess skin is trimmed away, and the remaining skin is sutured in place to close the incisions.
The Healing Process
After surgery, the incisions will be dressed in gauze that will be removed in a day or two. Drainage tubes might also be introduced at the site of the incisions to carry away excess fluids. These tubes will be removed along with the dressing.
You will experience some degree of swelling, bruising, and pain at the site of the surgery; a cold compress will help with the discomfort. In a week or two, you will start to feel much better as you heal.
Dr. Gikas will prescribe pain medication to make the healing period much more comfortable. Follow his aftercare instructions carefully to heal faster and with a lowered chance of post-surgical complications.
Deep wrinkles are one of the main signs of aging. With a facelift procedure, you can address these wrinkles and restore your youthful looks. In a few weeks after the date of the procedure, you will notice a vast improvement in your facial appearance.
Get Started with Your Facelift
If you are considering a facelift, you’ll need to find a plastic surgeon with the right qualifications and years of experience. Skill plays a major role in getting the results you’re looking for, so it’s important to take the time to do the research.
Dr. Elias Gikas is a skilled and well-respected board-certified plastic surgeon with numerous satisfied patients. When you choose Dr. Gikas for your facelift procedure, you’ll be in good hands. Contact our office today to get started with your helpful consultation.