Fat Injections Chicago
Fat injections are non-surgical cosmetic procedures that can help reduce various signs of aging. Fat injections can provide natural-looking and long-lasting results that restore the youthful beauty of your face. Dr. Elias Gikas is a highly skilled board-certified plastic surgeon who is dedicated to providing the best facial fat injections Chicago has to offer.
What are Fat Injections?
Also known as an autologous fat transplantation and mircrolipoinjection, a fat injection procedure, in which fat is harvested from an individual’s own body and injected back into other various areas, can help patients achieve a more desirable figure and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. With a fat injection procedure, a patient’s own body fat can be used as a graft to fill in depressions, deep lines (nasiolabial folds or smile and frown lines) and other areas on the face that need contouring.
The Benefits of Facial Fat Injections
Fat injections can help improve one’s appearance by filling in deep facial wrinkles and creases, plumping up creased and sunken areas of the face, adding fullness to the lips and cheeks and creating a better balance to one’s overall facial appearance. With these improvements, fat injections can dramatically enhance one’s appearance and help individuals regain confidence in their looks. And because fat injections use fat harvested from your own body, any form of allergic reaction is avoided.
The Facial Fat Injection Procedure
To perform a fat injection procedure, fat is withdrawn from certain donor areas, either using a needle or through techniques similar to those used during liposuction. The removed fat is then treated through a centrifuge and injected back into the needed areas. The selected areas for the fat injections are overfilled with the patient’s fat to allow for absorption following the treatment. This will cause the patient’s face to appear puffy or swollen for a short time after the procedure. Fat injection procedures usually take about 30 minutes to an hour to perform, depending on the plastic surgery Chicago patient and the desired results.
Facial Fat Transfer Recovery
There will be some swelling and bruising around the area where the fat was harvested and where the fat was injected. These issues will slowly subside over the course of your recovery. It can take around one to two weeks to recover, though this will vary between patients. Dr. Gikas will provide you with a list of post-operative instructions.
Facial Fat Transfer Results
It is important to remember that the results of fat injections are not permanent because eventually the body will reabsorb the fat. Fat injections are a positive solution for those who want a quick, easy procedure with a minimal amount of downtime. Desirable candidates for fat injection cosmetic surgery are in good physical and emotional health and are seeking personal improvement, not perfection. Fat injections are a great way to restore one’s youthful looks and regain confidence in one’s appearance.
The Cost of Fat Injections
The cost of your facial fat injections in Chicago can vary based on several different factors like the amount of fat needed, the areas of the face being treated, and the work required to provide you with the results you are looking for. We do offer financing options that can make the payment process more manageable.
Schedule a Consultation
Fat injections are an excellent option for men and women who are looking for a way to restore lost facial volume, enhance their facial contours, and revitalized the natural beauty of their face. If you are interested in rejuvenating the beauty of your face using facial fat injections, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gikas. He can provide you with the care and results you are looking for.